Master Olivier Bisback has won three times the Belgian championship taekwondo. He is a black belt, 5th dan taekwondo and a black belt, 1st dan in hapkido. He is known as a specialist in leg and hand techniques and is a direct pupil of late grandmaster Beom Jhoo Lee, black belt, 9th dan, and of master Patrick De Vreese, black belt, 6th dan. He attended several training sessions in the US, the UK, France, Denmark and Holland and scored many victories in national and international championships. Later on master Olivier Bisback also got specialised in jiu jitsu, kobudo, full contact, kick boxing and boxing. In 1996 master Olivier Bisback established the taekwondo club Hodori, in Ghent. In 1998 the club moved to Aalst. Till 2007 master Olivier Bisback was president and chief instructor of this sport club, known as the greatest and most successful in Flanders. The biggest taekwondo club of Flanders was based upon two major pillars: on the one hand the quality and the variety of the lessons, on the other hand on the profound friendship between the members. His profound knowledge of several fight techniques and his natural talent as an instructor make Olivier Bisback a highly respected man, as well as with his numerous friends as with his rare enemies. Curriculum vitae
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